Research and development

Working together towards success
As a responsible partner we constantly follow the trends in your line of business and we discover opportunities for improvement. In this way we can constantly offer you innovative processes and an upgraded final product.
When developing new products, we always work in close cooperation with you. It is the only way to discover the best and most qualitative solutions.
Ideas to meet your challenges
With a proactive action in the area of development we are always one step ahead of your expectations. Our company has developed an effective system of idea collection, with which we successfully implement innovations. There is a project team who assesses and selects the ideas and they follow a proven process.
The phases of the collection, selection and application of ideas:
measurable product and process characteristics and brainstorming;
- creating processes – drafts and ideas;
- functional ideas and new solutions;
- evaluation and selection of concepts;
- analysis of winning concepts.
From the year 2015 we have carried out more than 360 applicative projects.
We take care of all development phases
The R&D’s group work is primarily focused on four developmental areas: planning, optimization and process and product improvement implementations in the industrial manufacturing phase, as well as monitoring the products’ lifecycle.
The development process includes all key elements like planning, flow diagram, technological, production and control documentation, sampling, optimization of transfer from pre-serial to serial production, designing lean production processes and following the 0 defects strategy in serial production.
Development of new product
Customized development of new product
With an in-depth knowledge of polymer solutions for different purposes and industries we are a reliable partner, focused on cooperation from the first product drafts. Understanding all technical specifications and functional demands is a key factor for the development and manufacturing of the final product.
A comprehensive cooperation with you is the basis for undisturbed development processes:
- product design,
- numerical analyses,
- prototype manufacturing and verification,
- required testing.
In accordance with the principles of concurrent engineering, we get involved in our customer’s development processes during the very earliest phases – thereby ensuring optimal product definition in terms of product functionality, cost-efficiency and effective, high quality production.
Employing State-of-the-Art Methodology
Our development process employs only the most up-to-date software application supported design methods: DFMEA, DOE, CAX software – Catia V5, PTC and CADMOULD.
From prototypes to final decisions
When you will hold your first prototype in your hands you will understand how important their production is for the final product development. Good prototypes are your and our test site for the final finishing touches on the product as well as for process optimization.
We offer rapid prototyping, including 3D printing services. To maximize prototype representativeness, standard tools and equipment are used as much as possible throughout this process.
We are trusted by big league players
We’re proud of the products we’ve developed for customers like Cimos and Volkswagen.
- engine mount for BMW 13 (Cimos),
- parts for electric steering rack mechanisms (Volkswagen).